
Titlesort ascending Number Work Package Lead Beneficiary Delivery Month Attachment
Report on the evaluation of the value of the DMP D41.3 WP41: Climate Information and Decision Making Processes UNIVLEEDS 46 D41.3 and 41.4_Final.pdf
Report on the added value of dynamical and statistically downscaled data D21.2 WP21: Calibration and downscaling SMHI 42 D21.2_Final.pdf
Report on survey of end-user needs for improved confidence level information D33.1 WP33: Communicating levels of confidence UNIVLEEDS 12 D33.1_Final.pdf
Report on methodology to assess business opportunities D45.1 WP45: Climate services as a business opportunity CETaqua 48 D45.1_final.pdf
Report on initialisation of impacts models for seasonal predictions D23.3 WP23: Impact models for impact predictions Met Office 15 D23.3_Final.pdf
Report on findings on S2D users’ needs from workshop with meteorological organisations D12.2 WP12: Assessment of users' needs UNIVLEEDS 6 D12.2_Final.pdf
Report on findings from workshop with S2D climate prediction developers. Summary D12.4 WP12: Assessment of users' needs UNIVLEEDS 24 D12.4_Final.pdf
Report on assessment and combination of S2D predictions D32.1 WP32: Uncertainty framework UC 18 D32.1_Final.pdf
Report of the workshop on initialisation of impacts models for seasonal predictions D23.2 WP23: Impact models for impact predictions WU 10 D23.2_Final.pdf
Report of recommended priorities for Horizon 2020 D2.1 WP2: Coordination across EUPORIAS, NACLIM and SPECS projects Met Office 5 D2.1_Final.pdf
