University of Cantabria
Role in the project: 

UC is one of the leading research universities in Spain. With 1,098 professors and researchers (485 Ph.D. permanent staff), 28% women, UC has been involved in the EU FP from the start. The UC Research Groups have participated in 27 – FP5 projects and 16 – FP6 (totalling 2.4% of the EU funds for the whole country). Regarding the present proposal, UC has leading research groups at European and International level in environmental sciences. Most of these groups are involved in sustainable development policies in collaboration with administrations of different regions in Spain.

The Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es) conducts research on different topics related to regional climate modelling (including dynamical and statistical downscaling methods), information technologies applied to data and metadata processing (including web portals and services for data access and post processing). In particular, this group is specialised in the production of regional predictions projecting low-resolution outputs from global models to high-resolution related surface variables. This group participated in EU FP6 ENSEMBLES, E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America (EELA2), and Common Metadata for Climate Modelling Digital Repositories (METAFOR) projects in tasks regarding regional projections and data access/downscaling portals.
The group is currently involved in the FP7 Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire affected areas of the world (FUME), Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries (QWeCI) and CLIMRUN projects working in the application of climate predictions and projections in the fire and health sectors, in close collaboration with stakeholders