Met Office

Met Office
United Kingdom
Role in the project: 

The Met Office is the UK's National Weather Service. It includes the Met Office Hadley Centre (MetO) with 180 employees who specialise in climate research and prediction to inform decision-making. The Met Office employs a total of 510 Scientists. The Met Office is a Trading Fund within the UK Government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. This status engenders a business approach in addition to our R&D activities resulting in successful products and service delivery.
The Met Office has developed and delivered climate services within the UK and internationally for many years.
Users are from a variety of sectors including water, energy, health, transport, agriculture and tourism. These services inform decision-making for adaptation and mitigation to climate variability and climate change. The development of the Met Office’s Climate Service is a key strategic aim to satisfy customer requirements. Over the last few years the MetO has been at the forefront of research into climate variability and predictability; development of operational ensemble-prediction systems, derived applications and products for seasonal to decadal timescale.
The Met Office is highly active in numerous international climate service-related activities, including

  • WMO’s GPCs for long-range forecasts. Outputs from these will be part of climate services in Europe;
  • WMO’s key strategic activity to develop the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS): Involvement in writing the Implementation Plan being written for approval by WMO Extraordinary Congress;
  • Climate Services Partnership (CSP): Co-organised the First International Conference on Climate Services in October 2011. This led to the creation of the CSP, where the Met Office has a seat on the Core Group.
  • FP6 ENSEMBLES project: Co-ordinated by the Met Office. The footing for climate services in Europe.
  • Other EU FP projects, e.g.: EUCLIPSE - Climate cloud processes; ERA-CLIM - Global climate re-analyses; ICE 2 SEA - Sea and sea-ice processes for climate; and COMBINE - Improvements in climate modelling.