
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss (MeteoSwiss), directly subordinated to Eidgenoessisches Departement Des Innern
Role in the project: 

MeteoSwiss is, by federal mandate, the national provider for weather and climate services in Switzerland. In this role, it serves the general public, authorities, research and industry. MeteoSwiss monitors the atmosphere over Switzerland and operats the corresponding networks. It issues weather forecasts, warns the authorities and the general public of dangerous weather conditions and monitors the Swiss climate. The legal duties include the provision of climate information and climatological services for the benefit of the general public. MeteoSwiss provides generic and tailor-made datasets and services for customers, and conducts research on themes from nowcasting to climate prediction. Weather and climate in the Alpine region is one of its core competences. MeteoSwiss hosts the national GCOS office and is the official representative of Switzerland in various international organisations (WMO, ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EUMETNET etc.), and member of the Swiss Centre for Climate Systems Modelling (C2SM). MeteoSwiss participates in the Swiss National Centre for Competence in Research on Climate (NCCR-Climate), in the EU FP7 project EURO4M, in the EUMETSAT CM SAF CDOP 1 and 2 and in several COST actions. In its research MeteoSwiss collaborates with academia (e.g. ETH Zurich), with other governmental offices (e.g. hydrology) and the private sector (e.g. reinsurance). In the framework of the CH2011 Initiative, MeteoSwiss has contributed substantially to the latest Swiss Climate Change Scenarios MeteoSwiss has issued seasonal forecasts to commercial customers for over ten years now and has also a profound experience in the communication of such forecasts to the public and media