DWD, founded in 1952, is the National Meteorological Service of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is responsible for providing services for the protection of life and property in the form of weather and climate information. This includes the meteorological safeguarding of aviation and marine shipping and the warning of meteorological events that could endanger public safety and order. The DWD is also responsible for tasks including the provision of services to Federal and Regional governmental authorities and institutions administering justice, as well as the fulfilment of international commitments entered into by the Federal Republic of Germany. The DWD co-ordinates the meteorological interests of Germany on a national level in close agreement with the Federal Government and represents the Government in intergovernmental and international organisations such as the WMO. Currently DWD has about 2300 employees at over 130 locations over Germany. DWD’s spectrum of activity is very wide and includes:
- Weather observation and forecasting around the clock.
- Climate Monitoring and modelling at local, regional and global scale,
- Development of precautionary measures to avoid weather-related disasters and to provide support for disaster control
- Advice and information on meteorology and climatology to customers,
- National and international co-operation in meteorological and climatological activities,
- Outlooks on possible future climatic conditions at local, regional and global scale,
- Research and development.