First EUPORIAS prototypes' meeting

26 March, 2014 to 27 March, 2014
United Kingdom

On March 26th and 27th 2014, WP42 & WP43 held a joint workshop on the EUPORIAS prototypes at thestudio in Manchester. The event had two main objectives:

  1. Initiate development of the five prototypes and define the resources available; and
  2. Explore new techniques that might be of use to the partners during prototype development, such as agile development, user experience, and visualisation.

With 28 attendees, all of the partners involved in the production of the prototypes were represented at the workshop. Whilst each prototype-team will follow the management practice that most suits their needs, teams were encouraged to embrace aspects of the agile methodology, introduced on day one by Tim Difford and Mairi Osborne from Steria and brought to life with case studies from KNMI and the Met Office.

On day two, participants heard about the importance of user experience when developing their prototypes from Paula de Matos and considered the role of evaluation during and after production with Stephann Makri. A particular highlight of the event for many was the inspiring talk on visualisation from Jason Dykes - something that will be of importance to all teams with one prototype having the opportunity to embed a professional visualiser alongside the scientists in the development of the final prototypes.

Although the majority of the development activity will occur within each of the prototype teams, it is envisaged that the most active partners in this WP (Met Office, University of Cantabria, KNMI and Meteo France) will provide basic support to all teams through facilitation of low-level interaction with the data streams and post-processing.

Coordination across the prototypes will be maintained through a monthly coordination call and the project wiki.