IC3 is a public research centre created in 2008, located in Barcelona, Spain. IC3’s main objective is to generate knowledge about Climate Sciences to the highest quality and with a regional approach. It does this through cutting-edge research, education and application development and tools to evaluate and link current and future climate risks. IC3 is already participating in seven European projects including FP7 VIROCLIME, QWECI (2009), CLIMRUN (2010), and DENFREE (2011). Among the Marie Curie Actions, IC3 is coordinator of Tree-Rings & Climate, INCLIDA and MEMENTO. We also participate in an Interreg project (FLUXPYR) and receive grants from the Spanish Government for various R&D projects: Med3D, MIDAS-6 SMOS, RUCSS. For this project, two IC3 Units will be involved:
- The Climate Forecasting Unit (CFU) undertakes research on the development and assessment of dynamical and statistical methods for the prediction of global and regional climate on time scales ranging from a few weeks to several years. The formulation of the predictions includes the development and implementation of techniques to statistically downscale, calibrate and combine dynamical ensemble and empirical forecasts to satisfy specific user needs in the framework of the development of a climate service.
- The Climate Dynamics and Impacts Unit (UDIC) core focuses are 1) Understanding dynamical processes responsible for climate impacts at different timescales, and 2) The improvement of the current capacity for simulating those impacts, particularly climate effects on health, ecosystems, food energy and the water cycle.