Tourisme, Transports, Territoires Environnement Conseil
Role in the project: 

TEC is a private consultancy with a long-term involvement in research projects focusing on the relationship
between tourism and climate change, on adaptation strategies at regional and local scales, and on the
implementation of climate services. This includes in particular the relationship between climatology and
stakeholders, communicating climate change and uncertainty management. TEC conducts research for French and
EU research programs, for ministries, cooperation agencies, and international organisation.
Recently TEC has been involved in the following projects:

  • Tourism and climate change in Tunisia: impacts and strategies, for the German Agency for Coopération (GIZ, was GTZ), 2009-2010
  • Weather, climate and tourism: tourist strategy and behaviour French ministries of Tourism and of the Environment, 2008-2009
  • Tourism development and carbon dependency in French overseas territories: now and in the future (Agence française de développement, AFD), September 2008 - June 2009
  • Air traffic, ernergy and tourism in the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, 2009
  • Climate local information in the Mediterranean Responding Users Needs (CLIMRUN). FP7 project. TEC is leading WP5 on tourisme.