
Title Number Work Package Lead Beneficiary Delivery Month Attachmentsort descending
Release impact forecast for the prototype services and produce analysis of its impacts D42.3 WP42: Climate services prototypes Met Office 42 D42.3_Final.pdf
Report on the skill of downscaled seasonal hindcasts D21.1 WP21: Calibration and downscaling UC 42 D21.1_Final.pdf
Report on the added value of dynamical and statistically downscaled data D21.2 WP21: Calibration and downscaling SMHI 42 D21.2_Final.pdf
Report describing strategy on communicating level of confidence D33.5 WP33: Communicating levels of confidence UNIVLEEDS 42 D33 5_Final.pdf
White paper on sector specific vulnerabilities D11.2 WP11: Assess sector-specific vulnerability DWD 36 D11.2_Final.pdf
Review of the climate information products of the WMO RA VI RCC-network useful to the decision maker D41.1 WP41: Climate Information and Decision Making Processes DWD 36 D41.1_Final.pdf
Report assessing the benefit of this climate service prototype using historical events and hindcasts D42.2 WP42: Climate services prototypes IC3 36 D42 2_FINAL.pdf
Preliminary Guidance Document on the evaluation of the value of DMP D41.2 WP41: Climate Information and Decision Making Processes Météo-France 40 D41.2_Final.pdf
Report on validation of CIIs D22.3 WP22: Impact relevant climate information indices MeteoSwiss 48 D22.3_Final.pdf
Report on the evaluation of the value of the DMP D41.3 WP41: Climate Information and Decision Making Processes UNIVLEEDS 46 D41.3 and 41.4_Final.pdf
