Instituto Dom Luiz - University of Lisbon
Role in the project: 

UL-IDL is a research centre that quantitatively studies most of the important components of the Earth System. It combines analytical studies, data analysis, observational activities and modelling focusing on a wide range of processes including the structure of the deep Earth, surface processes, atmospheric processes and natural hazards at or near the Earth surface. UL-IDL aims to be a national nucleus of scientific activities and an educational platform of high-level research and teaching, providing a stable base for European partnership in major research initiatives in these areas.

UL-IDL organization relies on a Scientific Council, grouping all researchers, which are organized into 10 research groups, each one led by a senior researcher. The ultimate goal of UL-IDL is to develop physics based tools to study Earth processes. These tools combine theoretical approaches, numerical and physical modelling, and a range of applications that go from the global scale earth processes to local scale environmental problems. UL-IDL research activity is combined with an active commitment to conduct post-graduate and graduate teaching. UL-IDL maintains a number of laboratory facilities at Lisbon University, including a cluster for numerical modelling, an experimental tectonics lab, a rock magnetic lab, mobile arrays of seismic sensors and a series of high quality instruments.