Evaluating probabilistic dengue risk forecasts from a prototype early warning system for Brazil

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Dengue is a viral infection spread by mosquitoes and is widespread in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Dengue epidemics in Brazil often occur without warning, and can overwhelm the public health services.
Forecasts of seasonal climate combined with early data from a dengue surveillance system could help public health services anticipate dengue outbreaks several months in advance. However, this information has not been previously exploited to predict dengue epidemics in a practical real-life framework.

Recently, a group of researchers developed a prototype of a dengue early warning system based on 13 years worth of data, and used it to predict the risk of dengue three months ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil (Lowe et al., 2014, Lancet Infectious Diseases). Now, Rachel Lowe and colleagues have evaluated the prototype against the actual reported cases of dengue during the event. Brazil is divided into over 550 'microregions', and the forecasts correctly predicted high risk of dengue for 57% of the microregions reporting high levels of dengue during the games. Forecasts based on seasonal dengue averages would have only detected high risk in 33% of these microregions. The forecasts also correctly predicted the dengue risk level in seven out of the twelve cities where the World Cup games were hosted. However, the prototype failed to predict the high risk in both São Paulo and Brasília. Lowe et al. speculate that this may have been due to changes in how water was stored in these cities (standing water is a breeding site for mosquitoes) and the circulation of a new strain of the dengue virus.

The implementation of seasonal climate forecasts and early reports of dengue cases into an early warning system is now a priority for public health authorities. This action is likely to help them to prepare for and minimize epidemics of dengue and other diseases that are spread by mosquitoes, such as chikungunya and Zika virus.


Link to the full paper:  http://elifesciences.org/content/5/e11285v1/article-metrics